Safe and pure water is needed to live a healthy life. Our body is made by 80% of water, and therefore water is very important need of our life. It is one among other basic needs like oxygen, food, etc. We can live without food for many days but not without water. Water is very necessary as it maintains all mechanism in our body to work fluently and accurately. A body which is deficient of water is prone to many diseases. Therefore water forms an important part of a balanced diet. Though water is needed it should not be consumed in a polluted form. Only pure water is safe and hence purification of water is very

There are many companies in US which produce filtration units for purification of water with  Chosen water purification  . Barkey water purification system is a company which manufactures standard filters used for purification purpose. It produces wide range of filters of different sizes. The units comes in high-grade polished stainless steel and hence are non- corrosive. They also make plastic units which are light to carry whenever you go outdoors. They use powerful technology and elements which are known to kill all bacteria and viruses and any other micro organisms in the water. They are also know to purify unwanted chemicals such as herbicides and pesticides , parasites, cysts, detergents, organic solvents, foul tastes and odor, and therefore give us a healthy and safe water free of taste and odor.